Friday, December 30, 2011

Interesting facts about Food and Drinks

Facts about food & drinks:

  • Ice cream was originally made without sugar and eggs.
  • Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
  • Only food that does not spoil: honey.
  • In Bavaria, beer isn't considered an alcoholic drink but rather a staple food.
  • Beer is made by fermentation cause by bacteria feeding on yeast cells and then defecating. In other words, it's a nice tall glass of bacteria doo-doo.
  • In medieval England beer often was served with breakfast.
  • There are more than 15,000 different kinds of rice.
  • Rice is the main food for half of the people of the world.
  • John Kellogg invented corn flakes, for a patient with bad teeth. Charles Post invented Grape Nuts. Dr. Kellogg was the manager of a Michigan health spa and Post was a patient. The spa was founded by Sylvester Graham...inventor of the Graham cracker and pioneer of the early 1800s movement to eat more bran.
  • Carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve limestone, talc, and many other low-Moh's hardness minerals. Coincidentally, carbonated water is the main ingredient in soda.
  • The secret recipe for Coca Cola, code-named "Merchandise 7X" is kept under lock and key in a vault in the SunTrust Bank Building in Atlanta, Georgia, the home of Coke inventor Dr. John S. Pemberton and current world headquarters of Coca Cola International.
  • SPAM stands for Shoulder Pork and hAM.
  • Burger King® uses approximately 1/2 million pounds of bacon every month in its restaurants.
  • The famous Chef Wolfgang Puck chose the Italian word "Spago" as the name for his popular chain of restaurants. In Italian - spago = "String" or "Twine" - slang for spaghetti.
  • Wine will spoil if exposed to light, hence tinted bottles.
  • Fanta Orange is the third largest selling soft drink in the world.
  • A hard-boiled egg will spin. An uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not.
  • Sixty cows can produce a ton of milk a day.
  • Thin-skinned lemons are the juiciest.
  • Carrots were first grown as a medicine not a food. The Ancient Greeks called carrots "Karoto".
  • According to Hershey's Chocolate Company, Valentine's Day ranks fourth in candy sales, behind Halloween, Christmas and Easter.

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