Wednesday, December 7, 2011

10 more words for GRE....

Here are 10 words for those who are preparing for GRE,
  1. Bard n.  poet
    • The ancient bard Homer sang of the fall of troy.
  2. Blunder n, v. error
    • The criminal's fatal blunder led to his capture.
  3. Canto n. division of long poem
    • Dante's poetic masterpiece "The Divine Comedy" is divided into cantos.
  4. Champion v, n. support militantly
    • Martin Luther King Jr,  won the Nobel Peace Prize because he championed the oppressed in their struggle for equality.
  5. collaborate v. work together
    •  Two writers collaborated  in preparing this book.
  6. conglomeration n. mass of material sticking together
    • In such a conglomeration  of miscellaneous statistics, it was impossible to find the single areas of analysis.
  7. counterpart n.  a thing that completes another; things very much alike
    • Day and night are counterparts.
  8. deciduous adj. falling off, as of leaves.
    • The oak is a deciduous tree.
  9. derogatory adj. expressing a low opinion
    • Because the word Eskimo has come under strong attack in recent years for its supposedly derogatory connotations, many Americans today either avoid the term or feel uneasy using it.
  10. dishearten v. discourage
    • His failure to pass the bar exam disheartened him.

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